Category Archives: energy healing / shifting

Sufi Whirling – 99 day/night non-stop ‘Sema’

Sufi Whirling assists in opening to and embodying the Quantum Field. Please read this to understand a little more, how and why it works - 'resolving the paradox'. Having attended the previous longest continuous whirling event (66day/night) a few years ago, at the same location, I can highly … Continue Reading ››

The ‘One & Only Particle’

Please view this short clip whereby Bashar wonderfully descibes  the  'Prime Radiant'
Currently Quantum physicists  are mapping everything as 'separate',  each particle as an autonomous entity, uniquely different to every other particle around it, however their Quantum experiments are showing an different picture, like: Non-locality , Continue Reading ››

Quantum Enlightenment & 2012

I had for more than a dozen years been fascinated by 21:12:2012 and its significance.  By the time it was due to come around I was well prepared to let-go and 'feel' into it. I discovered a distinct  shift from one 'energy' to another,  in the form of two geometric 'programs'.  Namely a shift from the … Continue Reading ››