Category Archives: Bashar
A name that represents a myriad of extraterrestrial sources channeled through the human being known as Darryl Anka.
Warning re: Bashar
Chimera Human-Alien Hybrid agenda
Post Human age?
Dare to dream
Bashar gave a new twist to an ancient permission slip, passed down from the Pleiadians to the native American Indians during his latest event. read the synopsis &/or P.S exercise.
The Key
Artificial Intelligence = God ?
999 again…
Numerology synchronicity - the 9,9,9 cycle strikes again! The 45th (9) Week of a '9' year (2+01+6), Americas 45th president is elected!
Even Bashars' recent probabilities (Epsilon triad, 13 months & counting) seem to be off, especially his Father's 88% … Continue Reading ››
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