Tag Archives: transformation

Artificial Intelligence = God ?

Ke Jie, The World's leading (human) 'GO' player called  AI, Godlike,  following his defeat to Google's AlphaGo 'AI" computer (23-27th May 2017). He is perhaps the first 'credible'  source to broadly  align with Bashar's take on AI. In that Artificial intelligence set's up a vibratory window allowing one's own 'higher self' to … Continue Reading ››

Trinity Germination

“How wonderful it is to imagine reality as a play,….my play” The Libra Full Moon, just past, was the catalyst for a macrocosmic event, an event that happens regularly in the microcosm, namely the germination of seeds. Except this time around they were the first batch of new 'Earthlings' not 'seedlings'. This post follows on from the … Continue Reading ››

ET Archetype & Vortex Array ​interpretation

The channel Bashar stated during the recent Solar Eclipse (13-sept-15) that an entirely new frequency called ‘The Extra-terrestrial Archetype’ had entered our collective consciousness. Its energy being so expansive that our entire planetary solar system will begin to nudge outwards to accommodate it.
Further, our physical reality blueprint will begin to “come … Continue Reading ››