Category Archives: Parallel Realities

The ‘One & Only Particle’

Please view this short clip whereby Bashar wonderfully descibes  the  'Prime Radiant'
Currently Quantum physicists  are mapping everything as 'separate',  each particle as an autonomous entity, uniquely different to every other particle around it, however their Quantum experiments are showing an different picture, like: Non-locality , Continue Reading ››


Is fundamentally a concise awareness or knowing that one exists in an infinite Parallel Matrix. Everything is available and accessible in the NOW.  Past, Present & Future. Indeed nothing has ever happened or will ever happen outside of this NOW field. The NOW heralds a key breakthrough moment from the idea of a: 'Linear' to 'Quantum' perspective.  … Continue Reading ››

The Secret behind Energy – Shifting / Healing Techniques

Matrix Energetics , ThetaHealing, Yuen Method, Now Healing, EFT Meridian tapping,  Energy Healing, Energy medicine etc.. are all energy shifting techniques. I myself am a practitioner of 2 types:  Dr Yuen's 'correction' method, and Matrix Energetics, 2-pointer.  I have had exceptional results with both mediums over the past 7 years.  However it became apparent that such results … Continue Reading ››