Category Archives: news

Crop Circles

How are they made? "The energy that is manipulated, is the energy of your planets collective consciousness, the symbols are the expression of the symbolic dreaming that is going on in your collective consciousness now that it is waking up and talking to itself, waking itself up after a long, long, long dream into a new … Continue Reading ››

The Bright side to War

It seems there's not a day that passes without  a new addition to the World's collective misery: Plane disappears, Plane blown out of the sky, 1700+ killed in Gaza,  Ebola outbreak, widespread Church-establishment sex abuse,  corporate fraud, fracking, worldwide refugees crisis, Libya, Afghanistan,.Iraq, Syria, Egypt internal wars, Mexican drug … Continue Reading ››

Bashar “The Passion Principle” June 21, 2014

Content Removal Request  have acquiesce to a request from Darryl Anka, of Bashar Communications, to remove certain material, which includes the ‘linked’ page you are now on.
The timing of this request is seen as perfect from our standpoint. Since Jan 2015, I have felt a strong pull to reintegrate the … Continue Reading ››