Category Archives: energy healing / shifting

Magic Happens!

a Reality 'game changer'.  'phase change' experience of 9th December 2017. Post Teleportation experience, I realised there was something much greater of which 'teleportation or bi-location' was just a side effect within, thus I began to work towards unfolding what that might be. I put almost all; workshops, talks & retreats on hold. During this time I … Continue Reading ››

Sufi Whirling – 99 day/night non-stop ‘Sema’

Sufi Whirling assists in opening to and embodying the Quantum Field. Please read this to understand a little more, how and why it works - 'resolving the paradox'. Having attended the previous longest continuous whirling event (66day/night) a few years ago, at the same location, I can highly … Continue Reading ››

Quantum Enlightenment & 2012

I had for more than a dozen years been fascinated by 21:12:2012 and its significance.  By the time it was due to come around I was well prepared to let-go and 'feel' into it. I discovered a distinct  shift from one 'energy' to another,  in the form of two geometric 'programs'.  Namely a shift from the … Continue Reading ››