
Trinity Germination

“How wonderful it is to imagine reality as a play,….my play”

The Libra Full Moon, just past, was the catalyst for a macrocosmic event, an event that happens regularly in the microcosm, namely the germination of seeds. Except this time around they were the first batch of new ‘Earthlings’ not ‘seedlings’.

This post follows on from the Easter Island, navel, water activation, which was a planet Earth event. Nothing has really changed except that it is now scaled up and taking place in the human body. The Hara, T(D)an Tien, Manipura, Third Chakra, whatever you know it as, the navel chakra is revealing the Trinity behind Duality. The whole event is unfolding in the ‘centre’ and gravitational balance point of the body.

It is initially taking place in those who have prepared their bodies & minds to be fertile enough to support this wave of germination.

There are two key phases and a few symptoms to this density displacement switch:

1) Germination

2) Sprouting

Germination: I feel,you, who are reading this will understand when I say the Cosmos is inside and reflected outside and we are the point of balance, the whole thing is like a giant ‘clockwork’ , so above, so below, ….I don’t want to give too much of a background here, i’d rather get to the main effects, but briefly: During the Full Moon, Three Giant Sun’s, teamed up: Regulus, Arcturus, Spica (known as the Spring Triangle Asterism). Spica, which is itself 12,000 times more luminous than our Sun, (wikipedia), United (conjunct) with our Moon. Eminent astrologists state “Spica rules the Navel Chakra”. Spica (Alpha Virginis), is the brightest star in the constellation of Virgo. Virgo, according to Alice bailey, stands for the ‘womb of the goddess; “in this constellation where the Full Moon falls, Soul & Body are blended”.

Of course, leading up to the Libra Full Moon, there has been much interplay with our Solar system and larger Cosmic bodies creating the conditions for this event and the ones still to unfold. So its not just about the Libra moon, but the whole ‘clockwork’, just this Libra sign of ‘balance’ between ‘two’ opposing sides, happens to mark the beginning of this particular ‘germination’ phase.

Now, the ‘proof is in the pudding’, not in quoting cycles of the cosmos, the effects of the germination phase are palpable. Each individual being activated by this will have uncovered it in ways tailored to them alone. It could come to you just as a ‘happening’ in a flash.

The Navel chakra, the belly becomes heavily magnetised, and draws the Mind, the chattering, thinking, believing, mind into the Hara centre. In this moment, one will feel like an ‘adult’ for the first time, mature & wise, viewing their previous life as childlike.

Another effect, is like the parting of the Red Sea, Ones beliefs are separated into two sides: unloved & Loved, but both these sides are seen to be ‘conditional’, a 3rd point of Love arises, a non-conditional Love, that has no birth or death, and no association to any entity. Viewing the duality through this third background point, a neutral interplay or discussion between these once staunch & seperate sides unfolds, rapidly they may fall into each other, as both sides are ‘Heros’ or ‘heroines’ to the other, this trinity innately recognises the unity they came out of. The outcome; one is freed from the plague of cyclonical dramas perpetually whipped up between these two. Unstable Duality, begins to shift to stable ‘trinity’. One is atop the see-saw.

There are other effects, like if someone is deliberately trying to gain advantage over you by being dishonest, if you allow it to happen its Ok, however if one moves to point this out, either verbally or non verbally, there is an instant effect in the ‘other’, they can double up in pain due to their hara aligning with yours and leaving naked the pain of self deception. One will notice a variety of silent physical energy ‘dialogues’ between others depending on their state of being.

2) Sprouting – Fiat Lux

This stage has not taken place in myself and I can only surmise the knowing I have received via the germination processes.

1) Germination is ‘below ground’, therefore a phase change will obviously occur as it hits the rays of the Sun, ‘above ground’.

2) Sprouting takes place also in the 3rd Chakra. The 3rd Chakra in a ‘Twin’ centre that comprises: Water (Hara, Dan Tien, Chi, navel) and Fire (manipura, solar plexus). Both are located in the belly as the prime elements of creation.

a) One can clearly deduce the Sun in this garden metaphor being the Solar plexus.

3) The opposed forces in Duality have created a vast supply of experiences, which become a sort ‘gun powder’ above ground, fuelling the next ‘lighted’ phase.

I have no idea when the ‘Sprouting’ phase will occur, perhaps the Soltisce? But one thing for sure is it will be ‘NOW’. And if one is not feeling the present germination boost, not to be too concerned, there’ll be another one and another, ad infinitum.

In summary, the great thing about these events is they happen en mass, ever increasing sized batches, and not isolated ‘enlightenment’ of a particular single entity, which happened in the previous era. And due to the new integrated matrix it happens against a backdrop whereby these Quantum beings have real utility & traction. They will be ‘effectual’ from the outset.

PS: The current political climate which seems to cast us back to an old cold war era, a stand-off between superpowers, is the symbolic and cyclic pattern of duality, perpetually stuck between a rock and a hard place. To deal with this, historically, as far as I can tell, our technique has been to deplete ourselves, to cull ourselves and start over again. like a battery that is fully charged we have two ends, a ‘plus’ & ‘minus’, we know they connect to something…..(trinity) anyway they often cross, and sparks fly…

‘Trinity’ is all about Timing.

Love & Light 🙂

It’s darkest before dawn.

The video below may assist those who have not come across genpo roshi before. His work on shifting to the ‘Apex’, is fundamental to the Hara trinity. Enjoy 🙂

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