Content Removal Request have acquiesce to a request from Darryl Anka, of Bashar Communications, to remove certain material, which includes the ‘linked’ page you are now on.
The timing of this request is seen as perfect from our standpoint. Since Jan 2015, I have felt a strong pull to reintegrate the … Continue Reading ›› Sufi Whirling – 99 day/night non-stop ‘Sema’
Sufi Whirling assists in opening to and embodying the Quantum Field. Please read this to understand a little more, how and why it works - 'resolving the paradox'.
Having attended the previous longest continuous whirling event (66day/night) a few years ago, at the same location, I can highly … Continue Reading ››
Quantum – State-of-Being
The ‘One & Only Particle’
Quantum Enlightenment & 2012
I had for more than a dozen years been fascinated by 21:12:2012 and its significance. By the time it was due to come around I was well prepared to let-go and 'feel' into it.
I discovered a distinct shift from one 'energy' to another, in the form of two geometric 'programs'. Namely a shift from the … Continue Reading ››
Weeding out Patterns
When faced with a reoccurring, negative, 'state-of-being', ask yourself " What would I have to; tell myself or believe about myself, to create that circumstance?"
The Secret behind Energy – Shifting / Healing Techniques
Matrix Energetics , ThetaHealing, Yuen Method, Now Healing, EFT Meridian tapping, Energy Healing, Energy medicine etc..
are all energy shifting techniques.
I myself am a practitioner of 2 types: Dr Yuen's 'correction' method, and Matrix Energetics, 2-pointer. I have had exceptional results with both mediums over the past 7 years. However it became apparent that such results … Continue Reading ››
Emotional Cleansing
One’s emotions are pointers to Unconscious Belief patterns.
Without a belief one can’t produce an emotion.
Here is an Essassani technique:
When an Emotion arises, find out what you would have to believe is true about yourself in that circumstance in order to generate that feeling.
Then change that belief.
This is a great way to positively … Continue Reading ››
Proof of Change
I know when I've changed, because I respond differently to a reoccurring situation.
When the internal changes the external follows suit, not vice versa.
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