At-One-Ment – Yom Kippur
Todat (Oct 19th), Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement will be celebrated. The Holiest day day of the Year in the Jewish calendar, a day of unity & reconciliation. Where did it all go so horribly wrong? The division between I & Other, seems so vast at this … Continue Reading ››
Movement is Reality
movement is reality
Crop Circle warning?
This is an interesting one.
The symbol for " Chemical weapon warning hazard" appeared in an English field (see images here or hit crop circle connector link below) around the same time a British woman, Dawn Sturgess, reportedly died from exposure to a … Continue Reading ››

Mechanics of the Metatronic – Part 2 – Zion Light Body
Magic Happens!
a Reality 'game changer'. 'phase change' experience of 9th December 2017.
Post Teleportation experience, I realised there was something much greater of which 'teleportation or bi-location' was just a side effect within, thus I began to work towards unfolding what that might be. I put almost all; workshops, talks & retreats on hold.
During this time I … Continue Reading ››
Dare to dream
Bashar gave a new twist to an ancient permission slip, passed down from the Pleiadians to the native American Indians during his latest event. read the synopsis &/or P.S exercise.
The Key
3D to 4D trans.parent.see
Trans-Parent Thoughts Dissolving Neg.Beliefs: Elementals, Larvae, Phantasms & Phantoms
Latest ‘Eclipse’ Crop Circle
A magnificent crop circle has appeared, A total Solar Eclipse signpost?
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