Category Archives: tools & techniques

anything that helps awaken one to a finer vibration

Magic Happens!

a Reality 'game changer'.  'phase change' experience of 9th December 2017. Post Teleportation experience, I realised there was something much greater of which 'teleportation or bi-location' was just a side effect within, thus I began to work towards unfolding what that might be. I put almost all; workshops, talks & retreats on hold. During this time I … Continue Reading ››

Bashar – Living a Waking Dream – Technique 2

Content Removal Request  have acquiesce to a request from Darryl Anka, of Bashar Communications, to remove certain material, which includes the ‘linked’ page you are now on.
The timing of this request is seen as perfect from our standpoint. Since Jan 2015, I have felt a strong pull to reintegrate the … Continue Reading ››