Tag Archives: featured
4th density device
Dear friends, myself & good friend NgaNga who I co-created this copper replica version of the ancient stone coffer found in the great pyramid of Egypt with, would like to make public some of the 'Unreal', Real results we had and are still having experimenting … Continue Reading ››
3-6-9 The Bones of God
ET Archetype & Vortex Array interpretation
Further, our physical reality blueprint will begin to “come … Continue Reading ››
The day I teleported
It was a breezy, cool early afternoon day in southern, New Zealand,
not uncommon at that time of year, late Summer was upon us and in less than a week we'd be entering Autumn. Directly in front of me, perhaps fifteen meters away stood a good sized manuka tree, which I was … Continue Reading ››
Being YOU solves the Puzzle
"Many people on your planet have for along time been under the impression that the idea of unity comes from homogenizes, from all being the same, nothing could be further from the truth, it is the true validation of every single individual that creates harmony and synchronicity that allows you to truly function as a unit. … Continue Reading ››
Crop Circles
The Bright side to War
Autism – the Ultimate Specialists
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