Tag Archives: epsilon

999 – Everything will change in 2016

Are the three dates: 9th September 2016;18th September 2016 & 27th September 2016, key trinary points in Humanities awakening to a broader perspective of themselves in the context of ET awareness and dimensional shift? Each date numerology speaking equals: 999,  a 'bingo' awakening moment that is underscored in a recent Bashar session, but … Continue Reading ››

Being YOU solves the Puzzle

"Many people on your planet have for  along time been under the impression that the idea of unity comes from homogenizes,  from all being the same,  nothing could be further from the truth, it is the true validation of every single individual that creates harmony and  synchronicity that allows you to truly function as a unit. … Continue Reading ››

Epsilon, Epiphany, Eclipse – Transmission I (transcript)

Content Removal Request

Teleportation.co.nz  have acquiesce to a request from Darryl Anka, of Bashar Communications, to remove certain material, which includes the ‘linked’ page you are now on.
The timing of this request is seen as perfect from our standpoint. Since Jan 2015, I have felt a strong pull to reintegrate the … Continue Reading ››