The State of the Union – 19th June 2016.  Opening Monologue summary:

This Transmission by Darryl Anka which took place on Father’s Day is of note for it’s ’88-22-10′ predictions, the fact it was given by Bashar’s Father and the extraordinary disclosure that the conversion rates of a master ‘first contact specialist’ is fifty/fifty.

He pointed out he had been a ‘First contact specialist’ for one thousand Earth years and had interacted with over 300 civilizations during that time.
Of which (only) 157  went on to have first contact with Essassani. 48 of those became part of ‘the interstellar alliance’.
Answering the obvious lack of take-up, Bashar’s father said not all civilizations choose to have contact with the Essassani for various reasons.
meaning approx. 50% of all (his/their) contacted Worlds choose other paths. He went on to add, regardless of what civilizations decide is best for them,  they, the Essassanis’, will always answer the call, to those who send out the ‘invitational’ frequency of desiring first contact, as planet EARTH has done.

He revealed that Earth had reached a ‘moment‘ or ‘phase‘ that  is best translated as the ’88-22-10 scenario’. This he described as a ‘process of contact’ that is common to newly contacted worlds; a buildup, a ‘collection of probabilities’ reaching a certain point.
22% represents the opposite of what he will tell us as being part of the 88% probabilities. Clearly to us: 88+22= 110%, however Essassani calculate such things differently;88% is counted from 0% and up. 22% is counted from 100% backwards, resulting in a 10% overlap, in which unexpected events can occur switching the course of the overall course of probabilities.

He went on to give these  88-22-10 predictions:
88% – Female USA President   22% probability of the opposite happening. 10% probability of something completely unexpected taking place.
88% – should the above 88% happen, the 2 party political system will change to a 3 party system.
88% – within 4 years of a Major terrorist action/event. This will occur regardless of the result of the above USA political election.
88% – Major financial & economic adjustment within next 2 years.
88% – that Earth will prove that E.T life exists beyond our world, within 4 years. thus increasing the odds for contact beyond that year.
88% – within a 5 to 10 year window, that the Oceanic eco-system will experience total collapse.
88% – before year 2025 : discovering non-damaging power generation technologies.
88% – chance that 88% of listeners/readers of this prediction of probabilities will misinterpret what we have said.
In closing Bashar’s Father, made a point of asking us to put out our intentions and the concepts we prefer, what’s true for us, in an active way, so they can pick up the results of these intentions and gauge the relationship towards them.

The transmission had a grand finale, with the announcement that he would now transfer the head of the family linage of ‘first contact specialists’ over to Bashar.
He as Bashar’s father would now move on to the coordination of contact.