
Epsilon transmission – OMG!

Did I just hear a monumental landmark for planet Earth? A World Oversoul to World Oversoul handshake?

The Epsilon triad (+Epiphany & Eclipse) messages channelled through Darryl Anka this past June 2014, Solstice, clearly if found to be true, will go down in the story of homo-sapiens as..well I don’t know what to call it…. ET prophecy?, a species defining moment?

 But what can we expect? ‘Everything will change in the fall of 2016′ we are informed., Ok, but I wonder what sort of ‘change’ the collective consciousness of Essassani, along with Earth & Sirius are conjuring up? Will we know for sure we’re not alone in the Universe?, magically enter a 4th density state?, awake into a dreaming life? Or perhaps all three!

One of the most remarkable things about this prophetic message is we are given a finite, season long range for major change, whereas before predictions were tied to ‘probabilities’, thus the goalposts of any prediction were malleable.  Epsilon, one of the three artificially created spheres which house the trinary Essassani oversoul consciousness , called it a 2.5 year opportunity to integrate. That will take us to the December Solstice of 2016. But then we were also informed that changes would happen before the upcoming USA presidential elections, which are scheduled for; Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Transmission 1 & 2, say In the Fall of 2016 everything will change, but transmission 3 says before the Fall,. So its slightly unclear, but likely just a minor detail or an overlap (what do you reckon?).

The Northern hemisphere Fall, from an astronomical perspective begins on September 22nd (Autumn equinox) but meteorological seasons are approximately 3 weeks behind those, so I’ll yet you to form your own conclusions on the timeline for change, but now that we’ve discussed ‘when’, what about why and how? 

In previous Bashar transmissions it has been pointed out the timetable of ET contact, lie in our own hands, but the collective crossing of ‘the threshold ‘ is not, in that this was predetermined in the ‘Earth’ game-board of 3D limitation, by our Oversoul / higher Spirit, the awareness of which is carried within groups such as the; Mayan, Egyptians, Hopi etc. as 2012, but generally as a whole humanity is largely asleep too.

Now, according to Epsilon, it seems our collective amnesia has come to an end, and now the gentle rocking awake from a long dream has begun, the Essassani have set a lunar alarm clock, ensuring we do not oversleep, like any good nanny would.

Collectively the; Earth, Essassani and Sirius oversouls which correspond to the: Body, Mind, Spirit of a greater being, are awakening our Earthly (sub)-Oversouls (Bashar has previously shared that each (sub)-oversoul is experiencing itself via 20 to 30,000 individual souls – human beings, and these over-souls also have over-souls until we get to a singular Earth/World Soul, yet even that has an oversoul, and so on, all the way back to; God, the Prime Oversoul ).

The Epsilon Triad gives us clues to the sort of awakening we can expect by relaying exactly the influenced they have had own their own civilization (we) balance the lucidity of their dream life into the lucidity of their physical life, (we) catalysed and stabilised them (in)to the quasi-physical  reality, ..that is both Real and Dream”.

 This fits very well with Bashar’s opening 20th June 2014 monologue, titled “the awakening”, whereby he offers a technique to integrate the physical & dream states and later shares an ancient device, that was also a technique for experiencing similar states, namely the stone coffer in the Kings chamber of Giza. Bashar has already described this state in earlier transmissions as a hallmark of 4th Density, therefore this new exercise, and his recent focus on ‘lucid dreaming‘ , coupled with the Epsilon triad’s catalysing frequency seem to indicate an impending switch from third to fourth density (corresponding to a shift from fourth to fifth, in dimensional terms). 

Bashar has previously stated You are in the process of discovering that you are the reality that you previously thought you existed in..” and “Fourth density reality will allow you to experience your reality as a part of you . At first glance this seems a better approach than becoming aware of ET’s as a Globally recognised reality, as this would likely cause a contraction, heightening collective fear rather than alleviating it, but then again, sudden ET awareness might also shock humanity out of our violent habits, shifting our focus vertically instead of feuding horizontally, bringing about a ‘human family-bonding-unity’ we haven’t seen or experienced before.

Bashar adds weight to ET contact coming first, in an earlier channelled message: ‘the span’ he said sometime between 2015 and 2017 we would know for a certainty that we were not alone in the Universe. However a  shift into 4th Density first, could be argued as a far more logical intermediary step that will allow us to explore that we are creating our own reality and thus the reduction or elimination of our fear, opening the doorway to integrate the greater dimensional-space family as apart of ourselves that bit more smoothly.

Having said that, what shouldn’t be ruled out is a simultaneous triple whammy, Imagine the gob-smacked, boggle eyed feeling we will have when we are formally, informed of ET’s as societal reality! The conscious reprogramming, remapping that ‘pill’ would bring on individually and collectively can not be under estimated, wouldn’t that moment of suspended-belief be the perfect opportunity for our Oversouls to expand our sense of reality from one dimension to another while activating our 3rd strand ‘etheric’ DNA, which according to Bashar allows the Sassani civilisation to Live a perpetual dream. .    

The Essassani triad gave us such an honourable and ample duration of notice, “ this window timeframe (has) been given to allow yourself to align with the highest frequency”. While hearing this I couldn’t  help but reflect back to previous Bashar transmissions, namely about ‘2013’ marking the ‘splitting of the prism’ , and his train  tracks metaphor, where one should choose (align with) the train (resonance) they wish to be on, before the trains diverge from one another, making it harder and harder to change, until 2019 when it will be virtually impossible to switch trains (earth reality).

The coalescing of different groups, seems a happening thing, more and more I feel the diversity amongst friends. How does this play out?. Is this the nature of the ‘meta-sphere’ and the definition of parallel realities created from ones unique state-of-being, Parallel Earth’s?. Something to ponder on and a post to come.

With regards to the Lunar manipulation, and new ‘Earth soul’ resonance, and ‘riding the wave of change’, Epsilon said any lunar eclipse that you will now experience in totality will amplify and magnify the stabilization vibration and  act as a buffer zone, act as a gap, for allowing re-definition, re-design, re-creation, of yourselves as an identity on the oversoul level, so that that can filter down into the individual expressions on your planet that you each are”. 

There will be 3 total lunar Eclipses before the Fall of 2016. “ 8th October 2014, 4th Thus these lunar windows offer priceless ‘sweet-spots’ for major downloads and realignments. 

It’s obvious very, very, very few people will be aware of the Epsilon transmissions or indeed care about such things, and that’s all good. It seems the main thread is to simply follow ones JOY, Love, excitement, and little else matters, whether one is conscious of change or not, things will unfold perfectly. 

But what if one is highly alert and sensitive to these energies? and their Joy, excitement, passion is to embrace these lunar waves, to surf and play consciously and creatively in this field of transformation?  If you’re one of those, then you’re invited to: Aluna I


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