ring of fire

Rare Solar Event – 29th April 2014

A “Ring of Fire” (Annular) solar eclipse will take place on the 29th April 2014, see here for the exact time at your location.  This is a one in seventy + year event.  Out of over 4,000 eclipses occurring in the past 5,000-years  only 1.7 percent have been annular (annular is when the Moon is close to its smallest size, thus fitting well inside the Sun, giving it the ring of fire effect above.)

This eclipse is rare because the moon’s central axis  shadow cone,  will not land on the Earth, with just an edge of the outer antumbra touching  Antarctica & Australia.  Thus in effect missing the Solar/Earth ‘Bulls Eye’, which from a meta-Physical level has huge implications for Humanity. The pure synchronicity is that this event is taking place in Taurus the Bull, the Earth bound Ego, magnetised to matter consciousness.

The eternal Solar ring of Spirit, is beckoning the ego to move beyond its Earth boundaries.  An exalted perspective is being awoken.  One that allows us to look at ourselves, where the question: who am I?, is profoundly highlighted.  Shifting from an identity formed by reacting to  reflection, to one that directly  see’s, the illumination of manifestation. ‘The eye of transformation.’

Such sight that recognises light within matter, is a key frequency expander which unlocks more of the ‘NOW’,  that I may experience more of the total self I have chosen to be.  The ‘mist’ lifts allowing more of my manifestation to shine through.  Like a mountain peak shrouded by evaporating clouds, seeing itself anew.

How are you experiencing it? how is it unfolding for you? please feel free to share in comments below.

Wikipedia diagram below – enlarge

annular solar eclipse wikipedia





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