​’Christ Consciousness’ Eclipse footnotes:

This phase of Water-Fire (Aquarius-Leo), Lunar-Solar Eclipses; began 18th August 2016 (Aquarius Lunar Eclipse)  and will end with the Lunar Eclipse in Leo on 21st Jan 2019. 

During this period there will be Eight Eclipses (four: Aquarius-Leo pairs), Two of these will be Solar, beginning with the August 21st 2017 Eclipse in Leo and finishing in Aquarius on 15th Feb 2018.

As posted previously, this influence is reversing our Electro(fire)Magnetic(water) fluid, which all created existence is birthed within. Our YingYang is being rebalanced to Lead with ‘Water’ with ‘Fire’ following. Until now ‘Fire’ lead, ‘Water’ followed. 

These Eclipses are paired in a greater Cycle called ‘Saros’ lasting 18years 11days, meaning this is a Leo/Aquarius eclipse repeat, which went down between: August 1998 – July 2000.  Interestingly, numerologists mark the 1000’s to the 2000’s as a switch from Masculine (1’s) to feminine (2’s). What was going on for you back then?

Clearly we can see, from a numerological perspective, the 2’s will dominate from 2020. Thus these Eclipses are giving a key push in our personal & collective orientation. 

The Solar Saros cycle, is an eclipse measurement tool, which groups Eclipses into an even greater pattern,  they called this one: 145. which began hitting Earth, when ‘Harvard University’ came into being in January 1639 and won’t finish until year: 3009 (yes into the 3’s). It will produce 77 Solar Eclipses in that 1,370 year span (hitting all 12 astrological signs at least twice). ’77’ a Master number associated with ‘Christ Consciousness’ which appeals as a far better handle, than ‘145’….

By the way, there are approx.40 Saros cycles in effect on Planet Earth concurrently. The Last Saros cycle to hit the USA in Totality was ‘120’ in 1979, which also spans three millennia, beginning at the height of the Viking empire in AD 993 and ending 2195, 71 Solar Eclipses in all.