quantum enligtenment

Quantum Enlightenment & 2012

I had for more than a dozen years been fascinated by 21:12:2012 and its significance.  By the time it was due to come around I was well prepared to let-go and ‘feel’ into it.

I discovered a distinct  shift from one ‘energy’ to another,  in the form of two geometric ‘programs’.  Namely a shift from the beautiful masterpiece, that is The ‘unbalanced’  Sri Yantra (four masculine upward pointing triangles – Shiva and 5 downward pointing feminine triangles – Shakti), a ‘linear’, perpetual, duality making machine. ‘9’ Balanced –  Imbalance, downward spiral, limitation, earth-bound weightiness.  Vulnerability.  The World for thousands of years, all its trials & tribulations, pain & pleasure. Thank you Sri Yantra!

sri_yantraTo the still to be unfolded wonder, that is the perfectly balanced, Quantum, multidimensional, Meta-Cube known as: Metatron’s Cube. ’13’ :


This energetic pattern showed me so many things in early 2013, how its meta-qualities, allow one to be able to interpenetrate all forms: Rocks, trees, plants and share of their wisdom. A living library on our door-step. How a new field of ‘geometric relationship’ will unfold, children learning to ‘feel’ resonances within ‘shapes’ as though they were a physical texture. Starting with basic 2D shapes and moving into 3 D shapes, feeling vibration as proportion and dimension change, intermingling shapes to create new resonances, as a preparation to connect with living shapes, and ultimately to harmonise in a geometric relationship with all things as themselves.

It was to be 18 months later before these insights, brewing within, unfolded a deep JOY, the call to share, co-create, embody : Teleportation.

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