It was a breezy, cool early afternoon day in southern, New Zealand,
not uncommon at that time of year, late Summer was upon us and in less than a week we’d be entering Autumn. Directly in front of me, perhaps fifteen meters away stood a good sized manuka tree, which I was admiring , a tree well known for medicinal properties and the antiseptic scented flowers of which the delicious honey of same name originates.
Then within a short space of time, perhaps three seconds, but no longer, my whole reality started to reform itself, I became aware I was looking at an even larger tree, but before I could even contemplate the newly swelled tree and its increased trunk dimensions, my senses were relaxing into a moist humidity , the air was heavier, warmer, the smells and noises of a jungle had envelop me, now I recognised the tree, as a Choiba and I recognised the location, as ‘Choco”, (on the Pacific coast of Colombia). Some 12,000+ km’s away!!!
Just a moment earlier, I had been in New Zealand nature, amongst perhaps twenty other people in 50-100m proximity, and into the third day of a four day fast, which is not unusual for me, ( I take a two week juice fast annually or bi-annually). I was not taking any kind of stimulants. moreover I was focused on purification , fasting with regular morning and evening saunas., away from all distractions; mobile phone, internet books etc.
I felt physically clean and mentally clear.
But now I found myself deep in a jungle on the other-side of the World, I had not intended to ‘Teleport’, so the whole thing came as a surprise, a shock, “I am suppose to be in NZ with a group of friends“, I could hear my mind rapidly saying to itself. Like a compass in a magnetic storm, I felt disorientated, but yet still clearly anchored in Colombia, do senses lie?
I started shaking my head, and blinking my eyes, still in disbelief. However nothing changed, I was still rooted in a Colombian Jungle surrounded by dark green, leafy foliage and a huge tree. I looked around, immersed in what was, but then a strong ‘fear’ arose, a sense that my previous New Zealand identity would be annihilated and at that point the light within the colours and densities, that made up the pixels of my physical sensory reality, landscape, began to instantly morph and there I was, back in New Zealand, looking at that same Manuka Tree, just fifteen meters away. The transformation back to NZ lasted no longer than a blink or two.
Earlier in the day, I had been specifically practicing with three types of imagination exercises, two of which I had come across via the channel; Darryl Anka. ( ‘one particle appearing everywhere’ and the idea of imagining my reality collapsing and expanding). I don’t recall using these at the time of the shift from one reality to another, however I had certainly practiced these now and again in the preceding days and perhaps up to twenty minutes prior to my actual ‘teleport‘ event. Also I was aware of a strong energy in the front part of my head, above the nose, between the eye brows, and this energy was there the whole time, before and after the event.
The link to Colombia, in hindsight was not a surprise, rather a reinforcement of what had now taken place, as it was only three and a half months earlier that I had been there, holding ..wait for first ever 13 day ‘Teleportation intensive‘.
Since late 2012, I had been aware of a change in the structure of Physical reality, which made it more porous and malleable, this new insight brewed & developed within me over the course of 2013 culminating in the Colombian ‘Teleportation intensive’ that commenced 21st December 2013 and later also; talks / workshops on the subject in N.Z during early 2014. However despite the focus on Teleportation I had as yet, not fully experienced it physically! friends kindly pointed this anomaly out, however I was not deterred, something within was propelling me to explore this quantum state, be it; discovery, adventure…Joy..passion or plain curiosity.
During the Colombian 13day intensive my focus was to eventually reach the stage whereby ‘teleportation‘ would happen.
There were two, 900 year old Choiba trees on the property where this ‘intensive’ took place, and I spent a fair bit of time around them both, due to the refined field I felt in their presence. It was to one of these trees that I had teleported too.
Anyway, despite my intention that teleportation would happen at this 13 day Colombian event, it didn’t. But now, with hindsight and from the quantum, point-of-view whereby; Past, Present & Future all exist simultaneously NOW, I realised ‘teleportation’ actually had happened at that location, but in a linear sense was about to happen. This explains the certainty i had during the event, and the paradox that occurs when Quantum ‘timing’ overlaps linear ‘time’.
Soon after the NZ-Colombia-NZ shift, i began to contemplate and inquire exactly ‘How’ the shift in locations had come about?
I didn’t have to wait long, i received another experience of my entire existence, including myself, being an ‘Eye’, of which the ‘Iris’ was in fact the Light & colours that formed my reality. “I am perception, perceiving itself” I heard/said/knew, my experienced reality an arrangement according to who I believe I am. …thus I concluded…I wasn’t ‘teleporting’ anywhere, just reforming a reality around a point of view.
The marks, dark & light, within the ‘Iris’, seem to correlate with the creation of types of polarity experiences, like a painter who uses dark shadows to create depth and profundity. There is still much I can and will write of this, but for now I will leave it to another time, suffice to say ‘Iridology’ makes a lot more sense to me now.
I’m currently working towards a provisional year long ‘teleportation’ trial. If this interests you or you’re in a position to support in some way, please make contact.
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