Warning: Bashar could very likely be an elaborate thought form dishing out titbits of delightful esoteric wisdom in guise of massaging a transhuman agenda into the minds and hearts of humanity. In light of Essassani robotic moons, Bashar’s race seems to be a synthetic creation of the Greys, who according to Barbara Marciniak ‘carry out the work of the Reptilian Annunaki’. Educator & rememberer Matias de Stefano, notes Reptilians do not have feelings & empathy as mammalian born humans do, thus genetic experimentation on humans is actioned without much care for our species.
Bashar constantly spins the alien abduction of children in a positive light, as something Humans have agreed upon on another level yet which they do not remember. Here we must note, the first rule of invasion is deception, thus one should NOT read anything into this ‘suggestion’ from bashar. The massive disappearance of 8 million children per year on Earth is according to channeler ‘Barbara Marciniak ‘ part of this Hybrid agenda of breeding a Human race less and less biological and more and more synthetic, which is far more controllable by the ‘returning’ Annunaki.
Please watch the first 2.5 mins of the Sasha stone presented Video clip:
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